CASF Launch Celebration!

Dear Chesterton Academy of Saint Finbar (CASF) Perspective Parents, Supporters and Future Students,

What an incredible evening this past Saturday night (September 21st) at St. Finbar Hall at the Diocese of Charleston offices as we formally launched CASF to the Charleston community to the 100+ people in attendance!

We enjoyed great food, wine and networking with like-minded Charlestonians as we shared the vision and path ahead for our Fall of 2025 opening. Here are just a few of the highlights from the evening…

  • Father Wilson joined us (fresh on the heels of his 3 weeks in Portugal and Spain walking the Camino!) to officially welcome our guests and also reveal the wonderful news that our inaugural location for CASF will be at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Parish Hall!! We feel so incredibly blessed by the support of the Diocese, Bishop Jacques, Father Lacombe, and Father Wilson to open their doors to receiving our school and students…so exciting!

  • Mrs. Michele McCoy, our head of school, shared her passion and excitement of bringing a Joyfully Catholic and Classical education to Charleston…her energy is infectious and so many in the room were moved by her energy and passion for educating and growing our children.

  • Mr. Michael Acquilano, COO of the Diocese of Charleston, shared the vision of Catholic School growth within the Diocese and the importance of schools like the Chesterton Academy of St. Finbar in those efforts.

  • We launched our Founding 100 Program, and while this was not a fundraising event, 10 supporters pledged their $1000+ support of CASF on the night, bringing our total number of Founding members to 18!

  • We shared our upcoming events, Parent Information Nights, Bourbon & Burn Fundraiser, Philosophy and Theology events and are excited about the many ways you all will be able to engage with us in the coming months as we approach August of 2025!

    • Reminder that your kids are welcome to join in any of the Parent Information Nights (October 5th and November 11th this year) and if they are a 6th - 9th grader can attend our Philosophy Night (October 18th) and Theology Night (November 9th).

  • We outlined our financial plan at a high level (please email me directly if you would like more details) and the fundraising required to get CASF up and running.

  • And finally shared two videos (available below) that paint a wonderful picture of the beauty and joy that accompanies a Chesterton Academy education.

I have attached a copy of the presentation deck below (along with some great photos of the event) and look forward to answering any additional questions that attendees may have, and hopefully engaging with many more who are just now learning about CASF. As we mentioned during the event, sharing the excitement and importance of CASF for Charleston with your peers, friends and family will be critical to our success and appreciate everyone who came up to me after the presentation to share your thoughts, prayers, excitement and passion for our vision…SPREAD THE WORD!

A special thank you to all who helped make this event an incredible success, too many to name here so they have an entire slide dedicated to them in the attached deck…thank you, thank you, thank you! This effort cannot happen without the support of great people, and we appreciate everyone who has devoted their time, treasure and talents to CASF!

St. Finbar - Pray for us!


Michael MacKinnon

Founding Member & Chairman of the Board

Chesterton Academy of St. Finbar


Job Posting: High School Science Teacher